Tag Archives: Valve Corporation

Counter-Strike Global Offensive, The online shooter


The legendary online game, re-news itself. This game has now got more things that you can do. New weapons, skins and maps. Where the Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike  1.6 and Counter-Strike Source where legends of their own time has this version gotten the first place as the most realistic and enjoyable game. Where Dota 2 is more for relaxed gaming, Counter strike Global offensive is more intense and requires more attention while playing.


You will counter good players who you might think are using cheats. If you playing against me, you would think that I am  the Road runner with god like aim. It’s true that I won’t miss my shots anytime,  we all now that my ninja like moves are too good against other players. First lesson to novice gamers are that use Galil as terrorist or M4A-1 as Counter-terrorist. Play around 10-50 hours and you will see that you are starting to learn the game.


In this game you play ether a terrorist or counter-terrorist. There are two kind of maps, hostage rescuing or bom disarming. Some say that terrorist side is easier to play as novice to the game. I say that try to play on both sides.

My master, Sensei, how would I be better Counter-Strike Global Offensive gamer?

Let me tell you how, you should tune your aim, cross hair and field of view. Also if you feel that you can’t hit anyone, then you must start to shoot less on automatic and more single shot fire. If you can’t still hit anyone, don’t worry you will in time.


As  GamersSensei, I have to guide you to be better and more effective than other players. My pro tips would be that you just play and  more play the game. You can’t be as good as me, but you can try.


Also the new guns and how you play with them are more important. If you use so to speak weaker guns, you will be awarded with more money than with more powerful guns. The most important thing to buy in every round of game is body armor and grenade. By using your wit and ability hear you can achieve good stats, without any pro skill set.

All of these weapons are best guns to use for most of the gamers.


Terrorist side weapons


Galil, most suitable gun for novices and economical. Has power to kill with single headshot, but doesn’t have the accuracy of AK-47.


AK-47, best gun for experienced and lethal gamers. Has the power to kill with single headshot and it’s most accurate rifle in game.


Counter-Terrorist side weapons


M4A4, best gun for Counter-terrorist players. If you have good aim, this gun is good for you, but if you want to get more range I would recommend that you use auto sniper or AWP.


M4A1-S, like M4A4, but you have ability to use silencer attachment. This gun is more accurate than regular M4A4. The downside is that you have less bullets than normal  M4A4. This gun is most suitable for novices and players with poor aim.


AWP, most powerful gun in the game. With this game you are able to dominate the whole battlefield. You usually kill with one shot, but if you hit the leg, you have to shoot again and put the enemy out of his pain. it’s  the most humane way to do


P250, someone could say the best pistol in the game. P250 has all the wanted features in balance. It’s accurate, fast and has power to stop enemy’s.


Other pistol to compete with P250 as the best pistol is Five-Seven. That’s is gun that is only available for counter-terrorist side.


Some servers have enabled the friendly fire and some have disabled it. So watch out that you will not shoot your own members of the team. Few friendly fire accidents are acceptable, but if you start to shoot your own members of the team, be ready that you may be kicked of the server and receive minor ban even. Most of the gamers at the servers are behaving nicely, but there can be some nut case that wants to ruin the game for others.

Competitive mode is mode where you play rounds and try to win 16 rounds to win the game. There is also rank which you will abstain your rank. Your rank will rise or lower by depending how you play. If your gaming is bad, and I mean Kills per death ratio is lower than 1.5 your stats are going to lower, if your team loses, but not if your team wins. FYI my team never loses, but that is obvious, isn’t it?


Gaming tips for winning the competitive or casual games. As terrorist team, try to stick to gether and choose one of the bomb sites and use smoke grenades to help your team to move under a snipering spots. I would recommend also that terrorist team would by one or two Awp’s and rest would use Galil or AK. More experienced gamers can use Two-Three push tactic. In that tactic bomb man and two protectors go for a bomb site and two go to other. Those two will start to distract Counter-terrorists to get going to other bomb site. While they are making distracting Counter-Terrorist, three terrorist will start to make their way to bomb site. Once they are armed the bomb and CT will start to back to the other bomb site will the other two terrorist start to push on CT’s back, That way they are under cross fire. Use this tactic and your will be yours!


As an Counter-Terrorist split on two or three groups. Two to bomb site A and Two bomb site B and one on the middle so he can quickly move to help if they are rushing straight to the bomb site. Your weapons should be Awp or M4A4 or M4A4-S, with these weapons you have good firepower against AK’s. You can watch from long distances with Awp so Terrorist can’t use long straits to advance quickly to bomb sites. Flash and Smoke grenades are good as an Counter-Terrorist to block or freeze terrorist if you know where they are coming from. Also if you kill the bomb carrier, stay and guard the bomb so that terrorist won’t be able to pick it up and win the round.


Those are my advice for you, if you are playing or have just started to play Counter-Strike Global Offensive

Remember to bow to your Sensei


Dota 2 : Heros of Radiant and Dire


Valve has made this game great fun and it looks great. Voice acting is good and all the characters are mostly unlike. There are some character who are OP, that’s why time to time the game can be pain in the butt. This game is on its highest when you are playing with your friends and the communication works. Also you can have great time and play the game more freely than with team of strangers.


Do not be offended, but I enjoy games more when I know the other players and I can joke around with them. I don’t mean that there wouldn’t be great personality on Dota 2 servers, but most times there are always the one person who wants to be the boss and spasms the chat or voice messages. I have to say Valve has done great service to all Dota 2 player, by giving the opportunity to report trolls and other jokers who are ruining the game experience for rest of the team.


Servers are placed well and with that you don’t have to wait long to find game. Also by giving the chance to define the servers , you can play different  parts of the world if you want. As a Sensei, I play around the world so that all the players know the Name of GamingSensei. I would like to play more with different servers, but sometime the server latency is too high, so even my ninja like reflex speed won’t be any help to compensate that.

As I have seen, there is few classes that are suitable for novice players. Those are Sniper, Drow Ranger, Viper and Natures Prophet.


As a sniper, you can attack enemy from far and make huge damage in early game as in later game. Most of your kills will come from headshot skill in later game. This is one of the best skills in Dota 2, if you wanna attack from far to enemy with low health. Building this hero to be death machine is pretty easy, when you just take skills which you feel are the most in portent at the time.


As Drow Ranger you are the best hero to kill whole time by your self. Drow Rangers frost arrows are  on their best, against enemy’s without support from rest of the team. You can also chance the ads in massive team fights where are more than half of the team fighting. You just freeze one by one the enemy and your team mates will take them or protect you while you are disarming them from living day light. I recommend this hero to all player how are new to this game. This is maybe the easiest hero to break in and learn the game.


Viper, maybe the hardest enemy to kill, if played properly. You won’t want to face this as an enemy in early game. In late game you can challenge him, if you have lots of health and powerful skills. This hero relays on it’s hardened skin and acid attack. With this hero you can attack alone against maximum of two enemy in early game. In later game you can’t attack if you are faced with two or more enemy with full health or powerful skills. I recommend that you would play this character as an part of a team.


Natures Prophet is mage that can control trees. With his ability to use trees as his servants, you can make lots of damage against towers and solo playing hero. Natures Prophet has also ability to teleport around the map. This gives him a chance to attack enemy where it will hurt most. This is also one of the easiest hero to play. If you are new to this game I would recommend gladly that you would use one of these four hero to introduce your self to this master piece.

In-game music is well made as always. Seems Valve doesn’t know who to make bad in-game music. As seen from Half-Life to Counter-Strike Global offensive. Controls are very easy to learn and doesn’t require as much of clicking as Counter-Strike.


This game is updating all the time and game is getting better and better all the time. There is coming all kind of updates, which are expanding the game and items what you can wear in this game. This game is free so, if you got Steam account you should check this game out and play it with your friends. This game will convince you to play more and more of it. I hope I will see you on the battlefields and we can roam as Team of Ninjas.

Remember to bow to your Sensei